What is Somatic Therapy?
b o d y a w a r e n e s s — n e r v o u s s y s t e m r e s i l i e n c e — t r a u m a p r o c e s s i n g
The body contains the wisdom of its own healing and care. Growing up within systems that prioritise the mind however, we often lose the language of the body. Somatics is a relearning - we tune into the sensations and impulses of the body. Through this we are able to better understand our needs and honour ourselves as whole organisms.
Somatic therapy has similarities with talk therapy. We will talk, we will explore your stories. But we will also go a layer deeper - exploring how these stories exist in the body. This multilayered approach allows us to process & move through with our entire being, rather than just with our words and intellect.
Resilience is the foundation of trauma work. In our sessions, we will work together to rebuild the elasticity of the nervous system, developing your confidence with holding difficult emotions. We explore with a slowness which honours the tempo of the body and fosters a feeling of safety.
Somatic work can be great for trauma processing, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and more generally - coming into greater connectedness with the self and others.
In-Person Therapy
I hold in-person somatic therapy sessions in Brockley, London. These are ideal if you want to feel the presence of a supportive nervous system in the room with you.
Online Therapy
Online therapy can work really well for people who need flexibility, or people who find travel difficult. For some nervous systems, the comfort of the home container is ideal for doing deep somatic work.
Group Work
I facilitate community care workshops and sharing circles. These can usually be found on my Events page or Instagram. For bookings or collaborations, go to the ‘Work With Me’ page.